818-597-8627 info@rcdsmm.org


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Tracy Lovric, District Manager

Tracy (she/her) is a dedicated environmental advocate with a diverse background in project management, education, and environmental law. She holds a BA in English, a teaching credential, and a Juris Doctorate degree. Her journey in conservation began with work at a seal and sea lion rescue organization sparking a lifelong passion for environmental protection. She enjoys spending time at the beach year-round, especially during the winter months.

Our Administrative Staff

Lisa Rand headshot

Lisa Rand, Administrative Operations Manager

Lisa (she/her) joined the RCDSMM  in 2024 as the Administrative Operations Manager. With nearly a decade of experience in human resources and operations management, Lisa has a proven track record of building efficient workplaces and fostering a collaborative culture. She oversees HR functions and internal operations, seamlessly combining her operational expertise with a deep passion for natural resource preservation. Lisa finds daily joy in supporting RCDSMM’s mission and contributing to the conservation of the region’s unique natural beauty. 

Our Accounting Staff

Art Renzi Staff Headshot

Art Renzi, Financial Controller

Art (he/him) is a Controller with many years of accounting experience in industries such as Real Estate, Marketing, Manufacturing, Retail & Business Management. He was also a middle school teacher for a few years prior to transitioning into the accounting field. He has a degree in English Literature and a Masters in Business Administration. Born and raised in Southern California, Art has always enjoyed the natural beauty California has to offer.
For fun, Art enjoys reading literature on philosophy and psychology, hiking, & bike riding.
Hyla Douglas Headshot

Hyla Douglas, Acct. Specialist

Hyla Douglas (she/hers) has a background in both finance and nonprofit administration. She’s worked with other local conservation non-profits and also ran her own bookkeeping business prior to joining the team at the RCDSMM. Hyla is a long time Topanga Canyon community member and has a deep affinity for the Santa Monica Mountains as well as the wildlands and coastlines of Southern California. She’s also a musician, songwriter and poet and enjoys playing and performing in local bands.

Our Community Engagement Staff

Jelly Kahler Headshot

Jelly Kahler, Community Engagement Manager

Angelica Kahler (she/her), better known as Jelly around the office, is the RCD’s Education & Engagement Supervisor. Jelly started with the RCD in October of 2018 as a Watershed Stewards Program (or WSP) Member. She graduated from Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA in 2016 with Bachelors of Science in Marine Biology. As the Education & Engagement Supervisor, Jelly will help direct environmental education field programs as well as classroom science programs, develop education and outreach materials, expand upon current education programs and develop new opportunities for environmental education, develop and coordinate community-based science engagement programs, and coordinate RCD outreach through social media, newsletters, blog posts, virtual fundraising campaigns and annual reports. Jelly will also aids in the coordination of volunteer events.

Our Community Resilience Staff

Shelly Backlar (1)

Shelly Backlar, Community Resilience Director

Bio coming soon…

Arezo Sarwary

Arezo Sarwary, Community Resilience Project Manager

Arezo (she/her) has always loved observing plants, animals and insects. She went to UCLA to study Geography & Environmental studies with a minor in conservation biology. After graduation, she interned at the Council for Watershed health doing outreach, GIS mapping, and water monitoring to study and protect the Los Angeles watersheds. She then joined the RCD team as an Environmental Educator while also completing the NFPA wildfire preparedness training. She has been working the last year in the Wildland Urban Interface as a wildfire home evaluator and coordinating community resilience projects concerning wildfire preparedness, home hardening, and defensible space landscaping.

Fun Fact: When Arezo is not working, she loves gardening and hanging out in nature taking pictures of all the wonderful creatures.

Molly Ross Staff Headshot

Molly Ross, Wildfire Resilience Program Assistant

Molly (they/them) has enjoyed working with plants and people throughout the wide-ranging career that has brought them to wildfire resilience work. They received a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies and French from Carleton College. Molly worked in urban farming and California native plants landscaping before they were introduced to wildfire resilience through leading a field crew (the Safford lab at UC Davis) studying prescribed burns and forest health in California State Parks. Molly is thrilled to now be at the RCD, where they work in the wildland urban interface coordinating community resilience projects focused on wildfire preparedness, home hardening, and defensible space landscaping.

Our Education Staff

Marilyn Brody French Headshot

Marilyn Brody French, Director of Education

Marilyn Brody French (she/her) joined the RCD in 2020 as a Conservation Biologist, and in 2021 decided to further serve the RCD’s mission by taking on the role of Education Coordinator.

She began youth program development in 2017 while simultaneously achieving a masters from Cornell University in Conservation and Community Development, bringing real-world perspectives on earth stewardship and sustainability to youth programs. Throughout her 10 years of conservation research, her passion has always centered on sharing with young hearts the wonder of nature.

“Through my experience, I’ve learned that children, with their extraordinary curiosity, are the natural adventurers and scientists of our world and therefore the solutionists of our future. The RCD’s unique ability to weave local research into environmental education encourages kids to be just that – solutionists and caretakers of our land. And that’s why I’ve chosen to be here.”

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Ashley Meier, Education Programs Coordinator

Bio coming soon…

Our Resource Design Staff

Clark Stevens Headshot

Clark Stevens, Director of Resource Design

A practicing architect for 30 years, Clark Stevens (he/him), Architect, NCARB is a leader in conservation-based planning and design for ecologically and culturally critical landscapes in the American West, Tribal and Hawaiian lands, coastal California, Santa Monica Mountains and Upper Los Angeles River watershed. Clark served both as Executive Officer and Principal Architect of the RCDSMM for 15 years. Under his leadership, the RCDSMM’s capacity, staffing, and budget grew exponentially, culminating with LA County LAFCo’s approval of the expansion of its Sphere of Influence to include the entire Rim of The Valley region.

With the hiring of our District Manager in 2024, Clark now focuses full-time on leading the unique integrated resource design program and projects for which the RCDSMM has become known. His work includes regional habitat connectivity planning, the design of interpretive ‘learning landscapes’, the creation of new topographies and bathymetries in coastal and riparian landscapes, and the design of wildlife passage strategies and architecture.

Bella Isles

Bella Isles, Environmental Designer

Isabella (she/her) is an environmental designer skilled in analyzing and developing place-based solutions within the wildland-urban interface. She joined the RCD in 2022 shortly after graduating with high honors from UC Berkeley. She utilizes her degree in Environmental Design and minor in History of the Built Environment everyday, using geographic information systems, 3D modeling, and site specific storytelling.

Fun Fact: Isabella loves nature, snowboarding and especially beekeeping.

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Dan Cooper, Principal Conservation Biologist

Dan (he/him) is a lifelong resident of southern California, and is regarded as an expert on the birds and natural history in southern California. Through research and independent consulting, he has spent more than 20 years conducting surveys and drafting reports in the region, and co-authored a landmark conservation analysis for the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone for L.A. Co. Department of Regional Planning in 2014. Prior to being an independent consultant, Dan was the Conservation Director for Audubon California in the early 2000s, where he helped develop the Audubon Center at Debs Park, and wrote Important Bird Areas of California. Dan has published several dozen peer-reviewed papers on biodiversity patterns and local plant and wildlife species, and was named a Research Associate in the Department of Ornithology at the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum in 2020. Since 2012, he and his family have made their home in Oak Park.

Our Research & Restoration Staff

Rosi Dagit Headshot

Rosi Dagit, Principal Conservation Biologist

Rosi (she/her) has been working at the RCDSMM since she moved to Los Angeles in 1987. She has initiated and coordinated numerous research, restoration and monitoring projects throughout the Santa Monica Mountains, starting with studies of Malibu Lagoon, Leo Carrillo State Beach and moving inland to watershed level analysis and sensitive species monitoring. She has published numerous technical papers, as well as a children’s book, Grandmother Oak. Currently Rosi serves as a member of the Los Angeles County Environmental Review Board and leader of the Topanga Creek Stream Team and is a certified Arborist. Rosi is also a member of the Los Angeles County Beach Commission, technical advisor for the CA Oak Foundation and former member of the City of Malibu Environmental Review Board.

Jamie King Headshot

Jamie King, Senior Conservation Biologist

Jamie (she/her) joins the RCDSMM with over 20 years of professional experience in resource conservation, restoration, environmental planning, and land management in Southern California. Jamie enjoys working with public, private and non-profit partners to problem solve local environmental issues and facilitate community involvement. She recently had the pleasure of supporting such projects as the Malibu Lagoon restoration, removal of barriers to steelhead migration along Arroyo Sequit Creek and planning for the removal of Rindge Dam, among others.  Her favorite days are spent tromping along local creeks surveying for special-status species and reconnecting to the land.

Danielle LeFer

Danielle LeFer, Senior Conservation Biologist

Danielle (she/her) is an ecologist with over 20 years of experience in resource management, research, and restoration. Danielle’s research has focused on plant and fire ecology and water bird conservation. She is particularly interested in ecosystem level approaches to conservation. Danielle earned an M.S. in Ecology and Systematics from San Francisco State University, and a Ph.D. in Wildlife Science from Virginia Tech. She has served as a member of the Los Angeles County Environmental Review Board, the UCLA La Kretz Center Science Advisory Committee, and is an alternate on the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission.

Alyssa Morgan

Alyssa Morgan, Conservation Biologist Project Manager

Bio coming soon…

Isaac Yelchin

Isaac Yelchin, Conservation Biologist Technician

Isaac (he/him) is a Biological Field Technician with the RCD and a Topanga local. He first began with the RCD as an Environmental Educator and a part of the Stream Team. After three years honing his trout monitoring skills with Fish and Wildlife he returned to the RCD to study the creeks that raised him. Isaac loves all animals but gets extra doey-eyed when he encounters a reptile or amphibian. Aside from a desire to conserve the creeks and their inhabitants Isaac also wants to understand the burning question, what is it like to be an animal?

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Dray Banfield, Watershed Stewards Program Member

Dray (she/her) grew up in San Francisco where she developed her love for the outdoors. Growing up, she spent her time playing in tidepools, hiking, surfing, and exploring in the woods by her house. Dray attended the University of Washington Seattle where she got a degree in Environmental Studies and Writing. She is currently serving a term with the California Conservation Corps’ Watershed Stewards Program in partnership with Americorps. Dray has a particular interest in marine environments and the significance of weaving human stories together with stories of the natural world. She hopes to contribute to environmental change by telling powerful stories and engaging directly with the community.
Luke Benson in stream

Luke Benson, Biological Field Technician

Bio coming soon…


Staff Member Position Phone Email address
Tracy Lovric District Manager 818.514.5224 Send an email to Tracy
Clark Stevens Director of Resource Design 818.514.5076 Send an email to Clark
Dan Cooper Principal Conservation Biologist 818.514.5326 Send an email to Dan
Lisa Rand Administrative Operations Manager 818.514.3021 Send an email to Lisa
Art Renzi Financial Controller 818.253.4505 Send an email to Art
Hyla Douglas Accounting Specialist 818.253.4505 Send an email to Hyla
Marilyn Brody French Director of Education 818.514.4860 Send an email to Marilyn
Jelly Kahler Community Engagement Manager 818.514.5523 Send an email to Jelly
Shelly Backlar Community Resilience Director 818.514.4823 Send an email to Shelly
Arezo Sarwary Community Resilience Project Manager 818.514.4937 Send an email to Arezo
Molly Ross Wildfire Resilience Program Assistant 818.514.4583 Send an email to Molly
Isabella Isles Environmental Designer 818.514.5326 Send an email to Isabella
Rosi Dagit Principal Conservation Biologist 818.514.5162 Send an email to Rosi
Jamie King Senior Conservation Biologist 818.514.5402 Send an email to Jamie
Danielle LeFer Senior Conservation Biologist 818.514.4763 Send an email to Danielle
Alyssa Morgan Conservation Biologist Project Manager 818.514.5162 Send an email to Alyssa
Isaac Yelchin Conservation Biologist Technician 818.514.5162 Send an email to Isaac
Luke Benson Biological Field Technician 818.514.5162 Send an email Luke