Financials and Disclosures
The District is financed through a minimal property assessment. Other revenues include grants from public agencies or private foundations, contracts for education, research, and restoration services, and donations. All donations are tax-deductible.
The Board of Directors of the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains approves an annual budget each June prior to the start of the new fiscal year. The budget for fiscal year 2017-18 is as follows:
2021-22 General Fund Budget-Revised
The Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains is audited annually by an independent CPA firm as required by California Public Resources Code Section 9528 and Government Code Section 26909. Please see below for our most recent audits:
Special District Financial Transaction Reports
The State Controller’s Office requires all special districts to file an annual transaction report with their office within seven months of the end of the district’s fiscal year. Following are the RCD’s most recent reports:
Employee Compensation
Please go to the following link to view required compensation information for the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains:
Enterprise System Catalog
Please go to the following link to view the Enterprise System Catalog for the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains: Enterprise System Catalog
Website Privacy Policy
Please use the following link the view our Privacy Policy
Social Media Policies
Please go to the following link to view the Privacy Policy for the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains: Social Media Privacy Statement
Please go to the following link to view the Social Media Policy for the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains: Social Media Policy