Our Mission Statement
The MISSION of the RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT OF THE SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS is to promote land stewardship and resource conservation through ecological research, conservation planning and design, habitat restoration and environmental education, while adhering to the highest standards of transparency and accountability as a public agency.
What is an RCD?
A Resource Conservation District (or RCD) is a special district organized under the State Public Resources Code. RCDs are directed to promote and provide conservation programs within their communities. Such programs may include, but are not limited to, education, research, and assisting/advising other public and private organizations and local citizens in the areas of land-use planning, soil and water conservation, wildlife habitat enhancement and restoration, control of exotic species, and watershed restoration.
The RCDSMM is part of a national network created by the Soil Conservation Service (now the NRCS) during the dust bowl days over 70 years ago. There are 96 Resource Conservation Districts in the state of California alone. The primary objective of California’s RCDs is to assess conservation problems, set priorities, and coordinate federal, state, and local resources to bring about solutions.
A RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT IS NOT A RULE-MAKING, REGULATORY AGENCY. It can, however, advise such agencies and act as an intermediary between them and concerned citizens. Certain federal benefits are available to counties and cities only through these special districts. RCDs can lease or own land, publish the results of their research, contract to perform restoration projects and educational programs and, if needed, operate facilities for the enhancement and conservation of our natural resources.