Conservation Easement
The Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountain is able to facilitate land easements, including technical support provided by full-time staff equipped to help guide you through the process.
A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement between landowner and land trust or government agency where the landowner retains ownership of the land, but uses are limited permanently to protect the land’s conservation or agricultural values. For example, a conservation easement may limit or prohibit subdivision and allow only one additional structure in a designated area. Each easement is unique, designed to reflect the land owner and agency’s conservation goals.
Conservation easements are multi-beneficial. Financial benefits to the landowner include income (if sold), estate and tax benefits. Conserving open space and agricultural lands for the future benefits our community, providing clean air and water, wildlife habitat, scenic vistas, and more. Deciding on whether or not to place an easement on your property is a very personal decision, and requires that you consult with both professional advisers and your family.